参观 6 号展厅 6335 号展位,探索采用 HCCT 的低熔化温度工业打印
Explore Low Fusing Temperature Industrial Printing with HCCT at Booth 6335, Hall 6


我们很高兴向您介绍我们的首要合作伙伴,来自台湾的 KPOWERSCIENCE,该公司以其在使用“低定影温度技术”的工业打印领域的开拓性研发而闻名。 HCCT 与 KPOWERSCIENCE 一起自豪地展示我们在工业印刷领域的最新进展。

欢迎来到 6 号展厅 6335 号展位,我们将在这里展示两个突破性的系统:

Winjet ML5000W:彻底改变黑白打印的连续打印系统。

Winjet PE2500VP:我们的立式彩色打印系统专为工业包装应用而设计。

我们邀请您亲身探索这些尖端技术,并发现低熔化温度打印解决方案无与伦比的优势。无论您是寻求提高印刷流程的效率、降低运营成本还是提高可持续性,HCCT 都是您的战略合作伙伴。



日期:2024 年 10 月 17 日至 19 日

借此机会与我们的团队见面,讨论潜在的合作伙伴关系,并与 HCCT 和 KPOWERSCIENCE 共同见证工业印刷的未来。




Dear Customers,

We are delighted to introduce you to our premier partner, KPOWERSCIENCE from Taiwan, renowned for their pioneering R&D in Industrial Printing using “Low Fusing Temperature Technology.” Together with KPOWERSCIENCE, HCCT is proud to unveil our latest advancements in the world of industrial printing.

Join us at Booth 6335 in Hall 6, where we will showcase two groundbreaking systems:

Winjet ML5000W: A continuous printing system revolutionizing black-and-white printing.

Winjet PE2500VP: Our vertical color printing system designed for industrial packaging applications.

We invite you to explore these cutting-edge technologies firsthand and discover the unparalleled benefits of low fusing temperature printing solutions. Whether you are seeking to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, or improve sustainability in your printing processes, HCCT is your strategic partner.

Event Details:

Booth: 6335, Hall 6

Date: 17th to 19th   October, 2024

Take this opportunity to meet our team, discuss potential partnerships, and witness the future of industrial printing with HCCT and KPOWERSCIENCE.

We look forward to welcoming you to our booth and exploring the transformative possibilities of low fusing temperature technology together.

Warm regards,

Vincent Chan

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